Ceramic fibers are small-diameter filaments or threads made of ceramic materials, most often alumina and silica, that are employed in lightweight units for electrical, thermal, and acoustic insulation.
To maximize the strength, abrasion resistance, and insulating qualities of your application, refractory compounds are frequently utilized in conjunction with monolithic forms. The products benefit from refractory products’ strong insulating qualities and low thermal conductivity, which leads to increased efficacy.
The use of ceramic fibers
Since the previous few decades, the use of ceramic fibers in composite applications has gotten a lot of attention. Because of their great thermal tolerance and corrosion resistance, continuous ceramic fibers/filaments are commonly used in high-temperature applications instead of metals. Depending on the application area, ceramic fibers can be made into blankets, felts, bulk fibers, vacuum-formed or cast shapes, paper, and textiles. Ceramic fibers significantly improve the physical and mechanical properties of CMCs, as well as satisfying the unity of the composites by matrix cracking, which increases the composite’s failure tolerance. Ceramic-fiber-reinforced composites are used in a wide variety of commercial products, including aircraft engine components (turbine combustors, compressors, and exhaust nozzles), automotive and gas turbine components, aerospace missiles, heat exchangers, hot gas filters, rocket nozzles, gaskets, and wrapping insulations.
There are numerous research on the performance of various ceramic fibers in CMCs accessible in the literature. In many circumstances, oxide, non-oxide, or other types of ceramic filaments are used depending on the requirements (mechanical, physical, or thermal).
The following illustration shows a typical ceramic-fiber-reinforced matrix composite. The NextelTM 610 (alumina-based) fibers and mullite matrix were combined using a traditional lamination technique, which is commonly used to make polymer matrix composites. The 0°/90° fabrics were methodically inserted in the ceramic phase, as illustrated in the below image, which also shows the regular packing of alumina fibers.
SEM pictures of NextelTM 610/mullite composites with 0/90 fiber orientation, showing (A) fiber bundles and (B) nearly regular and dense fiber packing within a bundle.
Bulk Fibers
Spinning bulk fiber into produces ceramic bulk fibers. It is the primary material used in the manufacture of fiber insulation goods, with properties such as consistent performance, long fiber, high tensile strength, great thermal stability, and a clean, white appearance. In a high-temperature setting, it’s also an excellent material for sealing, filling, and insulating.
Bulk fiber is available in a variety of compositions, including:
High Purity Ceramic Fiber
Soluble Ceramic Fiber
Isofrax use limit up to 1,260°C (2,300°F)
Insulfrax use limit up to 1,260°C (2,300°F)
Maftec/Polycrystalline use limit up to 1,649°C (3,000°F)
Zirconia use limit up to 1,427°C (2,600°F)
Because of its superior insulating characteristics, minimal heat storage, and perfect resistance to thermal stress, the Ceramic Fiber Blanket is an excellent energy-saving product. It’s commonly utilized in industrial and high-temperature insulation, as well as a number of heat-processing applications. Ceramic fiber blankets are needled to give superior handling and building strength and are made from high strength spun ceramic fibers.
Soluble fibers have a low bio-persistence and operate as a low-hazard protective surface, making them a safe option to deal with in high temperatures. Soluble fibers can withstand temperatures of up to 1260°C (2300°F) in the workplace.
Temperature Grade: 1,260°C (2,300°F)
Low thermal conductivity, excellent thermal stability, lightweight, excellent thermal shock resistance, good handling strength, low heat storage, flexibility, excellent corrosion resistance, and excellent chemical stability are some of the characteristics of this material.
Temperature Grade: 1,260°C/2,300°F
Flexible, strong, lightweight, needled (no binders required, resulting in high tensile strength), totally inorganic (no smoke formation), great thermal shock resistance, and low thermal conductivity are some of the characteristics of this material.
High Purity Ceramic Fiber
Temperature Grade: 1,260°C (2,300°F).
This blanket is constructed of alumina-silica ingredients, which produce a stable and insulating product with low thermal conductivity, low heat storage, and high thermal shock resistance. These blankets are also extremely corrosion resistant.
Temperature Grade: 1,430°C (2,600°F).
This alumina-silica-zirconia fiber-based ceramic blanket has a high tensile strength, low heat conductivity, and minimal shrinking. For chemical processing and ferrous metal industries, as well as backup insulation in high-temperature processes, a Zirconia ceramic blanket is perfect.
Maftec/Polycrystalline Mullite
Temperature Grade: 1,649°C (3,000°F).
A polycrystalline ceramic blanket is incredibly tough and can withstand extremely high temperatures. The blanket’s low shrinkage corresponds to a long product life, and its chemical stability guarantees that the refractory lining remains intact over time. There is little or no shrinkage during initial fire up, resulting in small gaps in modular linings, providing extended, reduced productivity.
This is a high-tech ceramic blanket with a low heat conductivity and excellent chemical resistance. Even when exposed to extreme temperatures, the crystalline microstructure and high-temperature classification result in a highly robust fiber.
This blanket is suitable for most industrial operations and is used to create stack bonded and composite modules for use in the linings of kilns, furnaces, and heaters across the board.
HP or ceramic fiber paper Ceramic fiber paper is created using a fiber washing technique and largely comprises of high purity alumino-silicate fiber. This method reduces the amount of unwanted content in the paper to a bare minimum. Ceramic fiber paper is ideal for high temperature insulation, chemical corrosion resistance, and thermal shock resistance because of its light weight, structural homogeneity, and low thermal conductivity. Ceramic fiber paper comes in a variety of thicknesses and temperature ratings and can be utilized in a variety of refractory and sealing applications.
The type of paper and felt necessary for your business will be determined by the following thermal characteristics:
Soluble fibers have a low bio-persistence and are non-toxic to people, making them a safe option for direct use. Temperatures of up to 1,260°C (2,300°F) can be employed with soluble fibers.
Isofrax — This material is vacuum-formed and held together by a latex binder system, and it is made from Isofrax fibers. As a result, the material is light and flexible.
Insulfrax — This material is vacuum-formed and held together with a latex binder system, and it is made of Insulfrax fibers. As a result, the material is light and flexible. Insulfrax’s chemical qualities set it apart from other soluble fibers in terms of its resistance to molten metals like aluminum.
High Purity Ceramic Fiber
Thickness, density, fiber index, and chemistry distinguish paper and felts. They have a unique shape that allows them to be flexible while still exhibiting traditional ceramic fiber qualities such as high temperature stability, good insulation, and simplicity of use.
They are frequently divided into three grades:
Utility Grades — The most cost-effective goods for applications where performance isn’t a priority.
Standard Grades — Used when consistency and reliability are critical.
Premium Grades — Used when organic outgassing is unacceptable, or when thermal performance and a high fiber index are essential.
Ceramic fiber textiles include Ceramic Fiber Cloth, Ceramic Fiber Rope, Ceramic Fiber Belt, Ceramic Fiber Yarn, and other final items. Ceramic Fiber Textile is made of ceramic fiber spun in bulk, alkali-free glass filament, and stainless metal wires that can withstand high temperatures. Aside from the goods listed above, we can also manufacture high temperature resistant textiles to meet the needs of customers that require specific working temperatures, conditions, and efficiency.
The woven textile product family includes the following items:
Rope – braided or twisted
Textiles are resistant to thermal shock, corrosive attack, and mechanical vibration and stress-induced breakdown. They also have good chemical stability and can withstand most corrosive substances.