Organizational Chart

As an organization, we value every individual and the input and skillset added to our repertoire. We are one of the reputed refractories manufacturers and we acknowledge our human capital with the same essence. Our brilliant manpower along with our highly benchmarked Refractory products makes us one of the kind and well-loved by our clients.
We are a flat organization believing in few levels and more of a decentralized approach to ensure maximum efficiency within our work and limited time wasted in bureaucracy. With a strong focus on consumers, we emphasize more on teams.
The following is our organizational structure as we believe in transparency in our process. Led by the Board of Directors who are the key decision-makers for the organization, the company is run at the forefront by the director who oversees the decision both at the factory and the office and reports to the Board of Directors.
The Office constitutes the Accounts, HR, Sales & Purchase. The Factory on the other hand comprises the following departments viz Quality Assurance, Productions, Maintenance & Store. Quality Management System lies directly under the control of the director.
The structure of the organization ensures maximum results and quick decision-making without lag in the process due to unnecessary levels of hierarchy.